Tweens, Social Media, and Cultural Learning
The facts are well-known at this point (Haidt, 2024): Beginning around 2010, large numbers of American teens bought smartphones and opened social media accounts. Since 2010, rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide among American teens have more than doubled. Rates…
Breaking Family Intergenerational Patterns Gently
There’s a growing awareness of how deeply our family histories shape us. We’re not just individuals navigating life; we’re members of an emotional system that stretches back through generations. Patterns of behavior, beliefs, and coping mechanisms often persist through this…
The Importance of Teaching Resilience and Independence
When I learned of the plane crash over the Potomac River last week, I, like everyone else, was horrified. In addition to feeling great sadness for the passengers and their families, as a single mother and the sole guardian of…