Nearly Half of Dementia Cases Can Be Prevented or Delayed

Source: Peter Kindersley/Centre for Ageing Better Three-quarters of adults age 40 and older are concerned about their brain health declining in the future, according to an AARP survey of 1,563 adults. Many older adults try strategies like doing crossword puzzles…

How Willing to Be Wrong Makes You More Right

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before. A preacher, prosecutor, politician, and scientist walk into a bar. The bartender asks, “What’ll it be?” The preacher says, “I’ll have the stout; it’s the best one here.” The prosecutor orders an…

How Does Early Childhood Shape Us?

Source: Dr. Karen Molano / Used With Permission This post is part of a series in which I gather insights from leadership, diversity, and wellness experts. Mental health isn’t something that suddenly starts to matter in adulthood—it’s built from the…