Let's Stop Calling 3-Year-Olds Bullies
I was at a preschool this week and overheard one teacher telling another that one of the kids in her class is a "bully." She knows because she had this child in her class last year—as a 3-year-old.This gave me…
Do We Control Our Thoughts?
Previous entries of this blog have explored various aspects of understanding and coping with relationship obsessive-compulsive disorder (ROCD). A particularly challenging issue for clients with ROCD is distinguishing between the automatic and controlled (also called passive and active) aspects of…
There's More to OCD Than Meets the Eye
Reference Cards for Asch Experiment Source: Fred the Oyster / Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 At Swarthmore College in 1951, 50 students were placed in a room and charged with matching the length of two vertical lines (Asch,…