“These are the 10 best songs to help you relax according to science!” Have you seen that? On Facebook or LinkedIn? Wow, that is some statement, right? But what if I don’t like those songs? What if noisy guitars or avant-garde jazz helps me relax? And, they declare, they know this “according to science”? Well, if they have actually polled every single person in the universe and then did an analysis… maybe. And what if tomorrow, some other songs relax me instead? When I see those statements I just shake my head.
Music is Subjective

One of the great things about music is that it’s subjective! That is part of what is great about music! And that is why we can explore ways to use music, all kinds of music, to help us in our lives when we need it. How we use music is personal unto us. And I love that. There are times, particularly after a rather emotional day at work, where heavy rock music relaxes me. I will listen to it on my drive home. The sounds, the aural atmosphere, match my inner feelings and angst at that moment. It’s a release. And it makes me feel better. Some days when I’m feeling a bit down and sluggish, I might listen to some down-tempo jazz. It matches my mood, then I move on to something more upbeat, like some power pop. This is no one-trick pony concept.
As a music therapist working in a hospital setting, I do a lot of work using music to help reduce anxiety. Or… to help people relax. Everyone who is in the hospital has some anxiety—perhaps as a result of a new diagnosis, waiting for major surgery, or just being put into a situation of uncertainty by being in the hospital. And we know that the mind and the body are connected, so reducing anxiety can also impact physical outcomes and well-being. More and more, hospitals and medical outlets are looking for non-pharmacological ways (not drugs) to help reduce anxiety. And music can help.
Our research shows that music therapy (evidence-based music therapy techniques) can significantly reduce anxiety. Why? Well, for one, music works with our bodies and our brains in a unique way. Powerful and meaningful music creates tension and release and it’s the release, or resolve, that we physically feel. The resolve of tension in music makes us feel good. Also, when someone is feeling stressed, or out of sorts, we can match specific music to how they are feeling in the moment, and when the music starts to change, they (their mood, their affect) will follow. It’s called entrainment. We “entrain” to the music, and we follow along, both mentally and physically.
Music and Entrainment
When using music to help reduce anxiety in a clinical setting, I generally use “live” music, mainly improvised on the guitar. The reason I use live music is that I can change and manipulate the music, as needed, in the moment. The music meets the patient where they are and then takes them to where we want them to be. The music may initially include some tension (minor and diminished chords) and dissonance (perhaps minor or major 2nd intervals). The initiated soundscape is also empathic, reflecting what the patient may be going through or feeling inside. The music is “entraining” to their inner psyche of the moment. The music shows that I am trying to understand how they are feeling, and that creates a connection between us. Then, the music slowly starts “guiding” them towards a new, more relaxed place. I’ll gradually start incorporating some release from the tension, start moving towards more soothing and harmonic themes. I start creating positive movement and landing spots within the aesthetics of the music; movement towards more resolve and grounding. This process takes time, sometimes up to 30 or 45 minutes. And many times, as the music ultimately concludes with a subtle rocking rhythm (perhaps now having moved to ¾ time), now moving back and forth between just two chords (the dominant and the tonic)… one chord… a simple two note mantra – they fall asleep. Mission accomplished!
Purposeful Playlists
When you are listening to music to help reduce stress or to relax, whether at home, on a walk, anywhere really, you can use this same concept. Instead of finding some “relaxing” music—that doesn’t match where you are at the moment or what you are feeling inside, (and that you probably don’t particularly like)—perhaps, put together a personal playlist with some guided movement, movement from where you are to where you want to go. The initial song(s) can have a little more intensity, and some tension or dissonance. And then, each ensuing song can gradually, one step at a time, help bring you along towards a more relaxed place until you finally reach some soothing sounds. Let the music “guide” you to where you want to go. And certainly, use music that you like! (Maybe it’s Norah Jones, or 80s pop, or classic jazz, or Mozart.)
Again, music is personal. The “10 best songs” that help me to relax is probably different than your 10 best. And the 10 best songs that relax me today may not work tomorrow. Music is personal. Music is a great outlet to reflect what we are feeling inside. And the movement in music can facilitate change and help move us to a more relaxed place when we need it.
The healing power of music…